One salon… 360° of attention
19 February 2020
COVID-19 prevention and protection measures adopted in the salon
15 April 2020The treatment offered by the Stefania Anselmi Salon consists of thickening and integrating hair with Hairdreams
The problem of brittle and few hair affects more and more women and represents a serious problem for many of them. The biggest dream? Strong and healthy hair! Methods for giving back fullness and volume to fine and thinning hair are offered by Hairdreams thickening. There are various methods for thickening; for each individual case a customized solution can be found. Dream hair extensions, natural volume with real hair of the highest quality from Hairdreams.
Discover the fascinating possibilities of at Salone Stefania Anselmi.
One salon, 360 ° of attention
The Stefania Anselmi salon is at the forefront of all cutting techniques and trendy styles thanks to constant updates in the most exclusive and prestigious clubs.
This allows you to find the best combination of the current trend and what is best suited to the customer.